We Have Come to Worship With You!

The first weekend of February was Campmeeting Time at the Palm Springs Adventist Church on Sunrise Way.  Snowbirds as far north as Canada had gathered Friday night, February 7th, for their first program of the weekend as the men of His Voice circled the large congregation blessing them with The Lord’s Prayer.  If you have ever heard a group of Christian men singing, you know how rich their voices mingled together can tug at your heart.  This was one of those times, and again and again the happy throng shared their enthusiasm especially when the men sang the triumphant song, “When The Kingdom Comes.”  Following His Voice, Pastor Randy Roberts of Loma Linda, shared Philippians 2, and how a bunch of lonely English-speaking medical students in Mexico, made all the difference in his restless teenage years.  They became his … Paul, Epaphroditus, and Timothy.


The next morning, February 8th at the Valley Adventist Church on Bradley Road in Menifee the men joined Director Mike as he lead the congregation in a hymn, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”  Later, Nancy Krkljus while sharing an amazing children’s story of how trees work together to nourish one another, included several of men of His Voice as tree props.  Everyone loved the story and the lesson therein.  Again piano and organ blended together and the trumpet sounded with tender strums from the mandolin.  Certainly, the day was filled with music but hearts were also sad as later that afternoon, the Valley Church family and other friends from near and far, met again to say goodbye to Pastor Larry Becker at his Memorial. 


His Voice is eager to share the joy of Christian music with you.  In the months ahead, Director Mike Naluai and the men of His Voice will be singing in Redlands, Banning, Altadena, Fullerton, and many other places.  Be sure to check out our concert calendar here at our new website, join us and say hello or even book a concert, be sure to listen to our music, share your heart-felt prayer requests with us that we will include in our Thursday night circle of prayer, and consider joining  us as partners in sharing the Blessed Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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Nancy Krkljus
New Year, New Memories

His Voice started the New Year of 2020 at the Riverside Community Church on Jurupa Avenue, the morning of Saturday, January 11th.  As Director Michael Naluai shared with the waiting congregation, “We have not come to entertain but to worship with you!”  And that’s just what they did, accompanied by Jimmie Dykes at the piano, Jerry Albritton at the organ, Dave Bruder on the trumpet, and Ron Tkalec strumming his mandolin, the men of His Voice filled the massive sanctuary with praises to God and everyone worshiped. 

Later that day, they went to the Loma Linda University Hospital’s ICU to sing to their beloved fellow singer, Buddy Fisher.  One of the last songs they sang echoed their feelings, “If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now…”  Buddy had been breathing hard  but when they began singing, a smile spread over his face as he miraculously sang along.  It was a beautiful scene and as Buddy’s wife, Lorraine later shared, “Buddy hadn’t been that happy in a long time and the feeling stayed with him the rest of that day.”  All who came, left with a song in their heart.  A few days later, Buddy passed away but everyone knew one thing for sure that the cheerful quadriplegic that was a rock of strength to his friends, was going to walk again!

Nancy Krkljus